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Righteous Kill

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Quisque sed felis

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Hellgate is back

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The main character is Karl Fairburne, an OSS officer who is introduced into Berlin in 1945, during the last days of World War II. It references Operation Paperclip and its forerunner Operation Overcast, the plan by the USA to trainee the experts of Nazi Germany. Fairburne comes up against both Nazi and Soviet opponents as he roads key individuals involved with the development of the V-2 ballistic missile.
The campaign creates with a tutorial mission, where the player must kill German Major-General Hans von Eisenberg who is trying to defect to the Soviets. The next mission is a slightly changed version of the demo, where the player is sent to capture Dr. Gunther Kreidl, a Nazi scientist, and escape with his papers. Next, Fairburne infiltrates a V-2 rocket production facility in search of another scientist, Dr. Schwaiger, who is willing to defect to the United States, but Fairburne is discovered and must fight his way out of the facility. Fairburne decides to steal a collection of explosives and destroy a bridge to distract the Soviets and Germans while he slips overdue them and rescues Schwaiger. The plan works and Fairburne heads off to a place called Opernplatz, where he finds Schwaiger and is forced to hold off rollers of Soviet troops who have discovered their position. Schwaiger is shot in the course, and before he dies, he says "tabun". Fairburne, clueless, goes to find Dr. Müller, whom he kills from his command tower. With no location of the V-2 launching site, he goes to a Soviet HQ, where he finds that tabun is a nerve gas carried by the V-2 rockets that are about to launch on London. With only info that location is everywhere outside Berlin, Fairburne goes to the Berlin office of Dr. Wolff, the mastermind behind the project, to find more information. The office has been already damaged, but Fairburne finds a ripped notebook and establishes that Wolff is about to discharge from an airfield. Fairburne arrives at another building just in time to retrieve from a fireplace a map noting V-2 storage facilities. He sets out to destroy the rockets. With only Wolff left, Fairburne goes back to the Brandenburg Gate, where he had killed von Eisenberg few days earlier. Fairburne climbs on top of the structure and, as Wolff is about to escape in a car, he shoots, causing the car to run off the road and crash, killing Wolff suddenly. Fairburne remarks that WWII is over but the Cold War has just begun, in which he has acted as the first American fighter.
Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

System requirements  FOR PC    

OS: Windows vista, Windows 7 (Windows XP is not supported)

Processor: Dual-Core (D 3GHZ) or better

Hard Drive: 10GB of free drive space

Graphics: NVIDIA, GRFORCE, 8800 Series, ATI RADEON

Sound: Microsoft, DIRECTX, 10.0 compatible sound card or batter

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